Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Its Gonna Be A Girl!!!

Yes, u heard it right people. Someone's very very happy coz his wish has come true. The brood I'm carrying is a girl!! LK shuker giler tau...semalam aku di schedule untuk the 5th months maternity check up. So, since its LK's first day masuk office lepas cuti panjang, dia agak sibuk skit dan jemput aku pun dah lewat...dalam kul 7pm baru sampai office. Time tu aku cakap ngan dia, tomorrow la kita pegi check up. Dah lewat sangat ni aku pun macam penat skit...tapi sebenar benarnyer aku ni dok dread dan ngelat skit nak gi check up tu pasal aku kena remove aku punya cervical polyps. Erk!!! Takmo....dok terbayang-bayang lagi last month punya commotion. Aiya yay, keluar la banyak alasan itu ini begitu begini. Tapi LK nak jugak pegi malam tu. Dia sebenarnyer lebih pada nak scan tengok gender baby. Aku cakap la, nevermind LK, tomorrow we can go...dah lewat dah nih...tapi dia degil gak. So, terpaksa la kitorang gi. Lepas Maghrib kat Wangsa Maju, kitorang pun gi la jumpa Dr Andy. Masuk je bilik dia, our conversation goes like this.
Doc : "Ahhhh...u r here for the polyp rite?"
Aku : (Alamak! Dia ingat la...aisehmen...tak bleh lari) " Doc, we remove next month can ah? Im scared..."
Doc : "Sure, can no problem. Up to u la coz the polyp is not harmful but the thing is, later when u make love it will bleed again. "
LK : "Doc, is it growing ke the polyp?"
Doc : "No lah. It doesn't have nerves. Its only benign"
LK : "Then doesn't it effect the baby?"
Doc : "No lah. Baby tu very far from the thing. Ni kat pangkal rahim dia jer"
Aku : "Doc, procedure tu painful or not? How long ya?"
Doc : "Dun worry, its not painful. U will only feel discomfort je coz we're gonna put the speculum inside and use a something to twist it. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes"
Aku : Gulp!!!!
LK : "Takpe LP. We get rid of it once and for all. Later you have to wait for another 1 month, lagi teruk. Better do it now"
Aku : "Amboi...easy la for you to say. Its not you who's gonna get kangkang on the table and probed and twisted your flesh out!!
Doctor Andy gelak je dan buat muker sokong aku. Ye la, LK ni pandai cakap. Cuba kalau dia yang kena, sure lari-lari punya. Anyway, aku pikir-pikir, buat je la malam ni labu. Get it done once and for all. With one condition, LK kena ada sebelah aku ALL THE TIME. So, aku pun melalui la procedure tu. Sangat la discomfortnyer Tuhan aje yang tau. Tapi nasib baik bukan like last month. Last month teruk sangat tak bleh bla. Bukannyer sakit pun. Aku je tak biasa. Ada malu, campur tak selesa campur takut so asyik nak kepit je. And it doesn't help ok. So this time aku try relax. LK pun pandai, dia borak-borak ngan aku so, aku takdela rasa tense sangat. After sumer dah settle (Alhamdullilah) that Doctor tanya aku "U wanna see the polyp?" Errrkkk...thanks but no thanks. Geli aahhh nak tengok mender tu. Tapi lain lak LK " I wanna see. I wanna see!" Ishh...macam budak kecik nak tengok gak daging polyp molyp aku tuh.. tu la dia laki aku the Libra yang sangat curious.
After the procedure, session scanning pulak dan waktu tu la kitorang dapat tengok gender baby. It's a girl!! Sangatla aktif gerak-gerak sampai Doctor Andy pun dok gelak-gelak dan tanya aku bagi makan apa kat baby ni sampai dia suker sangat nih!? Hehehe...LK senyum manjang je on the way balik rumah.
Then, kitorang gi late dinner dalam kul 9.30pm kat JJAU2 kat Black Canyon untuk 2 celebration, first buang itu polyp (Yeay!!!! At last, its out of my body!!) and second, LK, ur gonna have a daughter. Hehehe....Called Mama dan Boy dan Mira bagitau news tu. Mama, ur gonna have 2 Divas in the house! Aiyoooo!!!